July 2019

Workshops Session III

Homeboy Recycling—A quadruple bottom line check-in
Joshua Tree
People, planet, profit and purpose in this mix. Homeboy Recycling creates environmentally sustainable job opportunities for graduates of our 18-month program. We offer comprehensive IT asset disposition, data destruction, and electronics recycling services. Within and between these service lines we focus on developing transferable skills for the information age. The purpose part of our quadruple bottom line focuses on the progress of our employees: creating meaningful opportunities for change and collectively working with concern for the welfare of others and ourselves. In short, it’s a focus on positive transformation. Come to this workshop to learn more about Homeboy’s most recent social enterprise venture.

The Heartbeat of Kinship: the Intersection of Partnerships and Service
What are the benefits and challenges creating mutually beneficial partnerships? This workshop will answer some of this question, highlighting Project Kinship’s strategies to creating partnerships among individuals with lived experience, community-based organizations, faith communities and larger systems such as school districts, probation agencies, health care providers, etc. These partnerships have led to increased funding, expansion of services and systems change for Project Kinship and beyond in Orange County. This collective partnership movement has created shifting narratives about the lives of those impacted by trauma, incarceration and gangs to a focus on hope and healing.

First Things First, Connecting People to People; Resources Come Second: Case Management at Homeboy Industries
This presentation reveals the ways case management at Homeboy Industries focuses connecting people to people first and resources, second. Given the experiences and histories that former gang-members have with different systems of care, incarceration, and supervision over their life spans, case managers have developed inventive approaches and practices to how we now receive, engage, and support trainees throughout their 18-month journeys. There is a focus, building relationships in community, alongside the much-needed network of resources.

“We Move Lives” – A Profitable Non-Profit run by Recovering Addicts
A typical the Other Side Academy student has been arrested over 25 times. These same people now run the #1 rated moving company in Salt Lake City. The moving company is generating enough revenue to cover 100% of the operational costs of the Other Side Academy’s 2-year, residential life-skills community. In this workshop, you will hear from both staff and graduates about the alignment of mission and profit. With a culture of accountability and love, people work to change their lives and we can make a profit. Come learn how we combine it all to create a “wow” experience in terms of customer satisfaction.