The backbone of the Homeboy Industries model is the Case Management and Navigator team.
The backbone of the Homeboy Industries model is our Navigator and Case Management team. All program participants (trainees) are immediately placed with both a Navigator and Case Manager who walk with them as they face challenges like securing housing, childcare and navigating life choices in a healthy way.
Navigators serve as mentors who create a sense of belonging, consistency and guidance that helps trainees move through a new way of life. Always available through their open door policy, the Navigator and Case Management team helps clients develop plans for the future and directs them toward critical resources.
At the core of this plan is Secure Base, a client-led, strengths-based, individualized team meeting. Each trainee is provided with a Secure Base team meeting approximately every six weeks. Meetings are facilitated by the trainee’s Case Manager, and include a member of the mental health team, as well as a Navigator. Secure Base creates a safe space in which trainees can authentically reflect on their experience at Homeboy Industries.
Our goal is to make sure planning is client-led and that a group of dedicated professionals are holding the trainee in a safe space as they move their lives forward.
Phases 1 and 2, 0–3 Months
In the first three months, clients work to remove barriers in order to attain the stability needed to think about the future. Working at maintenance jobs, trainees learn to become part of a team, build employment skills, and accept supervision from the staff. Each trainee works to set goals, define educational and vocational objectives, remove tattoos, build life skills and participate in therapy.
Phase 2.5, 4–9 Months
Trainees are employed in one of Homeboy Industries’ Social Enterprises or at an internship, broadening their skills as they participate in classes, attend therapy, build life skills and remove tattoos. By this point, barriers have been removed so that clients can focus on the future. With pro bono legal aid, some trainees will be discharged from probation or parole.
Phase 3, 10–18 Months
Trainees are ready to take the skills they have acquired in earlier phases to another agency or work environment, usually through an internship. They continue with therapy and any classes that are court-mandated.
To learn more, read about our program various Social Enterprises.