Homeboy Industries stands to change the way the world views, judges and treats the most marginalized and demonized among us – the formerly incarcerated and gang involved.
We stand in support of policies that allow our population the opportunity to heal and demonstrate to the world a new way of looking at the formerly incarcerated. In doing this work, we seek to create a community where transformation is supported in partnership with local government, elected officials and like-minded partners and organizers. We believe by educating and informing society about what is happening with gang members and the previously incarcerated and by giving voice to their stories we will reduce the demonizing.
Prop 47 – The ballot initiative passed by California voters on November 4, 2014. Prop 47 recategorized several nonviolent offenses, such as drug and property offenses, from felonies to misdemeanors. Offenses include shoplifting, writing bad checks, and drug possession. The measure also requires that money saved as a result of the measure be spent on “school truancy and dropout prevention, victim services, mental health, drug abuse treatment, and re-entry programs designed to keep offenders out of prison and jail.
Prop 57 – The ballot initiative passed by California voters on November 8, 2016. Prop 57 allows the parole board to release nonviolent prisoners once they have served the full sentence for their primary criminal offense. The measure allows parole consideration for nonviolent felons, changes policies on juvenile prosecution, and authorizes sentence credits for rehabilitation, good behavior, and education.
AB 109 – California’s Public Safety Realignment initiative calls for the state of California to reduce the state prison population by moving much of that population to county jails. AB109 was the result of a court-order in response to shortfalls in medical and mental health care for the state’s prison population. AB109 resulted in significant changes to the California criminal justice system. AB 109 transferred responsibility for supervising certain felony offenders and state prison parolees from state prisons and state parole agents to county jails and probation officers.
Homeboy Industries invites like-minded social justice groups and individuals seeking to advocate for policy changes on economic and racial justice issues affecting formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated individuals, to partners with us. Current key partnerships include:
Los Angeles Regional Reentry Partnership (LARRP) – https://www.lareentry.org/
A New Way of Life – http://anewwayoflife.org/policy/
CalNonProfits – https://calnonprofits.org/
For more information about the vaccine or to make an appointment, please visit one of the below sites. If you do not have internet access, call the County Call Center 1-833-540-0473 between 8 AM 8:30 PM for assistance making an appointment.
State Appointment Portal: https://myturn.ca.gov
City of Los Angeles Information Hub: https://corona-virus.la/Vaccine
City Appointment Portal: https://carbonhealth.com/covid-19-vaccines
County of Los Angeles Public Health Information Hub: VaccinateLAcounty.com
County Appointment Portal: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/ncorona2019/vaccine/hcwsignup/
Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department
Portrait of Los Angeles County Presentation – Measure of America website – www.measureofamerica.org/los-angeles-county
LA County Open Data Portal – https://data.lacounty.gov/
MALDEF – www.maldef.org