July 2019

The Heartbeat of Kinship: the Intersection of Partnerships and Service

Steven Kim Steven Kim is a co-founder of Project Kinship where he serves individuals impacted by gangs and incarceration.  His commitment to healing cycles of incarceration, gang membership and community violence stems from over 15 years of working with traumatized and abandoned youth throughout Orange County. Steven is highly regarded for his human rights work in the field of forensic social work where he led multi-disciplinary teams to identify early childhood traumas on high-profile-death penalty cases. He is sought out for his expertise on understanding root causes of violence and has facilitated trainings on the state and federal levels of the criminal justice system. He currently teaches at the University of Southern California lecturing on best practices that focus on adolescent gang prevention and intervention strategies.

Mary Vu

Event Timeslots (1)

Workshops Session III
What are the benefits and challenges creating mutually beneficial partnerships? This workshop will answer some of this question, highlighting Project Kinship’s strategies to creating partnerships among individuals with lived experience, community-based organizations, faith communities and larger systems such as school districts, probation agencies, health care providers, etc. These partnerships have led to increased funding, expansion of services and systems change for Project Kinship and beyond in Orange County. This collective partnership movement has created shifting narratives about the lives of those impacted by trauma, incarceration and gangs to a focus on hope and healing.