“I feel like I’m in school all over again— you know, like starting high school where you can be who you want to be. You don’t have to be this person that you’ve been… you can become the true essence of you.” Read More
Facts for Media
Located in downtown Los Angeles, Homeboy Industries provides hope and job training for formerly gang involved and previously incarcerated people so they can redirect their lives and become contributing members of society. Homeboy Industries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization which utilizes a combination of donations and revenue from various social enterprise businesses to fund its innovative model of therapeutic wraparound services and job training. Established 1988, this forward thinking approach to helping those seeking transformation has helped the organization become the most successful re-entry program in the world.
Assets for Media
Download or view photographs and logos here. Please note: These resources are for media professionals only – no commercial or fundraising usage is allowed. All materials should be credited to Homeboy Industries. Images many not be manipulated or altered in any way without express written permission of Homeboy Industries. You may also visit our YouTube channel for video assets. For additional inquiries about photos or videos, contact us at marketingteam@homeboyindustries.org.
Are you a journalist, podcaster or blogger? Our media relations team is happy to assist you with stories, interviews, campus visits and general inquiries. Contact us at media@homeboyindustries.org.
Founder, Greg BoyleFounder, Greg Boyle with TraineesFounder, Greg BoyleFounder, Greg BoyleFounder, Greg Boyle with TraineeFounder, Greg Boyle with TraineesFounder, Greg BoyleFounder, Greg Boyle with TraineesFounder, Greg Boyle with Homeboy Bakery TeamFounder, Greg Boyle with TraineesHomeboy Industries HeadquartersFounder, Greg Boyle and CEO, Thomas J. VozzoCEO, Thomas J. VozzoTattoo RemovalTrainee at HeadquartersTrainee at HeadquartersTrainees at Homeboy IndustriesStaff at Homegirl CafeStaff at Homegirl CafeStaff at Homeboy BakeryHomegirl Cafe CoffeeStaff and Trainee embraceStaff at Homegirl CafeStaff at Homeboy SilkscreenHomeboy Electronics RecyclingStaff at Homeboy Electronics RecyclingStaff at Homeboy Electronics RecyclingStaff at Homeboy SilkscreenTrainee in Homeboy BakeryNavigator in Homeboy BakeryTrainee at Homeboy BakeryHomeboy Diner at Los Angeles City HallTrainee at Homeboy Diner at Los Angeles City HallHomeboy Industries HeadquartersVoting Rights Trainee at Homeboy BakeryTrainee at Homeboy BakeryKinship in Action Homeboy GroceryHomeboy GroceryHomeboy Grocery 2Homeboy MerchandiseStaff, Miguel LugoHomeboy MerchandiseShirley Torres, Chief Trainee OfficerStreet SignHomeboyTrainee at Music Heals ClassFather Greg at GHNGlobal Homeboy Network GatheringHomeboy Foods Holiday OfferingsHomeboy Bakery BreadsTrainee at HomeboyFoods.com