Volunteer With Us

Homeboy Industries is fortunate to have many volunteers who work in a variety of much-needed capacities throughout our organization. We are grateful for your interest.

Apply to Volunteer

“You Can Find Your Way Home from Here Because You Know Where You’re Going.”


Volunteer Opportunities

Homeboy Industries is fortunate to have many volunteers who work in a variety of much-needed capacities throughout our organization. We are grateful for your interest. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the application form below.

Spotlight: Tutors

At this time, what the Educational Services Department needs most are experienced teachers and tutors to work with our trainees as they prepare to take the GED Test. If you have experience teaching, or are highly qualified in math, language arts or computer basics, we would love to hear from you. Your support is critical as Homeboys and Homegirls pursue this next phase in their lives.

Spotlight: Mental Health

Licensed psychologists, social workers and marriage and family therapists who are willing to donate from one-to-four hours each week are encouraged to consider applying for our Volunteer Therapist Program, Homeboy Heals. The Program has two parts. Option one asks providers within a 10-mile radius of our facility to counsel one Homeboy client weekly – at no charge – in his or her private office. The second option, for those whose offices are further away, is to schedule a block of time each week at one of our Homeboy Industries locations.

Volunteer Application

Homeboy Industries is fortunate to have many volunteers who work in a variety of much-needed capacities throughout our organization. We are grateful for your interest. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the application form below.

Tattoo Removal Volunteers
Legal Services Volunteers
Therapists & Psychiatrists
Transformation Story

Meet Michael

Michael Jenkins, a Trainee at Homeboy Industries, has been experiencing beautiful transformations since coming to Homeboy Industries nearly 9 months ago. 

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