Make a Jubilee Gift

2022 is an extremely special year at Homeboy Industries because it marks Father Greg’s 50 th  year of service as a Jesuit.  To recognize this incredible milestone, we have established a Jubilee Fund that will directly support participants in Homeboy’s nationally recognized reentry program.

Thanks to the tremendous generosity of Stéphane and Brenda Bancel and the Bancel Foundation, all gifts committed before the end of this year will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $10 million dollars.

Make a donation today to help celebrate Father Greg, his commitment to Homeboy, and his lifelong dedication to standing alongside the most marginalized in our community.

Give Today

Pledge $50,000 (payable over 5 years) to increase your impact and honor Father Greg’s 50-year legacy of service by ensuring the future of Homeboy Industries for years to come.


Special thanks to those who have already pledged their support:

Annenberg Foundation

Kathy Mandato and Joseph D. Argilagos

Stéphane and Brenda Bancel, Bancel Foundation

Barbara Ross Charitable Trust

Colleen Bollom

Chip Caldwell

Kristin and Greg Chapman

Betty and David Cronin

The John and Geraldine Cusenza Foundation

Sharon and Matt Edmonds

Jane Fonda

Marianne and Dennis Fraher

The Fran & Ray Stark Foundation

The Gilligan Family

Karin and Armando Gonzalez

The GR Fund

Sarajane and Zac Guevara


Phyllis and J. Michael Hennigan

John Gogian Family Foundation

Lilly and Bruce Karatz

Harry Bronson and Edith R. Knapp Foundation

Suzanne and Ric Kayne & Jennie, Maggie and Saree

Katie Lunday

Amanda and Anthony Mansour

Sue and Anthony Marguleas

Marshall and Margherite McComb Foundation

The Pleatman Family and ORFL

The Page Family

The Pfeifer Family Foundation

JoAnn and Wayne Ratkovich

Monica and Phil Rosenthal, Rosenthal Family Foundation

Anne Ryder

Don Howarth and Suzelle Smith Foundation

Julie Keese and Glenn Stebbings

Corky Hale Stoller and Mike Stoller

Lindy and Thomas Vozzo

Mercedes Martinez and Chris Weitz

Young Adult Family Fund

AT (323) 526-1254 x328